Lina Horton's Library

Byrns L. Darden Elementary

ISBN Title Author Description Publisher
9781338260441 Bad Guys Aaron Blabey "The Bad Guys are about to have a very BAD day! Mr. Wolf and his bad buddies have messed with the wrong guinea pig - one who is secretly an evil mad scientist. And the nasty little furball wants revenge! Will they survive? Will they be heroes? And will they ever stop trying to eat each other?!? It's time for the Bad Guys to spring into action!"--Résumé de l'éditeur.
OS_64357B7DFB791F00B4407D29 Cat in the Hat Dr Seuss
OS_642EE081E90E9500B5E3303B Charlotte's Web E.B. White
9780439686174 Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus No matter how hard he pleads and begs, the pigeon is not supposed to drive the bus while the driver is away, but pigeon tries every persuasive trick a young child knows to get you to say, "Yes."
OS_6441986AFCEDC800B586C986 Good Night Gorilla Peggy Rathmann
OS_643ECF7AC62A1900B5C1D29F Green Eggs and Ham
9781338612653 Jabari Jumps Gaia Cornwall "Jabari is definitely ready to jump off the diving board. He's finished his swimming lessons and passed his swim test, and he's a great jumper, so he's not scared at all. "Looks easy," says Jabari, watching the other kids take their turns. But when his dad squeezes his hand, Jabari squeezes back. He needs to figure out what kind of special jump to do anyway, and he should probably do some stretches before climbing up onto the diving board. In a sweetly appealing tale of overcoming your fears, newcomer Gaia Cornwall captures a moment between a patient and encouraging father and a determined little boy you can't help but root for"--
Lyle Lyle Crocodile
9780140342949 Matilda Roald Dahl Now reissued--Dahl's tale of a sweet five-year-old little girl with extraordinary mental powers that she uses to teach her school's evil head mistress a lesson she'll never forget. Riverhead Books
No, David
9780399244988 Officer Buckle and Gloria Peggy Rathmann The children at Napville Elementary School always ignore Officer Buckle's safety tips, until a police dog named Gloria accompanies him when he gives his safety speeches. Officer Buckle discovers his tips are not as successfully received by his audience without Gloria, who pantomimes his advice while he talks. And Gloria has nothing to demonstrate without Officer Buckle's narration. They need each other to make a successful presentation.
Our Class Is A Family
OS_645EADDC72875D00B5407518 Pinocchio Disney
Stand Tall Molly Lou Lemon
OS_643EFB8A8514C500B5E341BC Stellaluna
9780448424057 The Little Engine that Could When the other engines refuse, the Little Blue Engine tries to pull a stranded train full of toys and good food over the mountains.
OS_644001260B9AE600B59CF017 The Night Before Christmas
9781558580091 The Rainbow Fish Marcus Pfister North-South Books
The Very Hungry Catepillar
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