Tracy Garza-Bramel's Library

East Montgomery Elementary

ISBN Title Author Description Publisher
9780545964821 My Name Is Truth Ann Warren Turner The Life of Sojourner Truth
9780439888134 My School's a Zoo! Stu Smith The morning after a trip to the zoo, a young boy wakes up to find that everywhere he goes and everyone he knows has become an animal, from zebras at breakfast, lions in the lunchroom, to hyenas on the playground.
9781338232417 My Weird School Fast Facts: Explorers, Presidents, And Toilets Gutman, Dan Think fast with A.J. and Andrea from My Weird School!\\nDid you know that the word “independence” never appears in the Declaration of Independence? Did you know that soldiers in World War I collected thousands of glowworms in jars to help them see at night?!\\nLearn more weird-but-true U.S. history facts with A.J. and Andrea from Dan Gutman’s bestselling My Weird School series. This all-new series of nonfiction books features hundreds of hysterical facts, plus lots of photos and illustrations.\\nWhether you're a kid who wants to learn more about our country's history or simply someone who wants to know how many Americans are involved in toilet-related injuries each year, this is the book for you!\\nWith more than 11 million books sold, the My Weird School series really gets kids reading! Scholastic
9780395779040 Naming Cat, Paperback Level 4 Read A family considers many possibilities before coming up with a name that is just right for the cat that has come to live with them.
9780545854870 Nat Geo Sacagawea Scholastic
9781426322891 National Geographic Readers: Sonia Sotomayor (Readers Bios) Barbara Kramer Explore one of the most recognized names in modern America with this biography of Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor. Kids will learn about her rise to be the first Hispanic Supreme Court Justice and the trials she faced along the way. The level 3 text provides accessible, yet wide-ranging, information for independent readers. National Geographic Kids
9780545636162 Nelson Mandella Kadir Nelson Paperback Scholastic Inc.
9780152005436 Night Noises Mem Fox As elderly Lily Laceby dozes by the fire, her dog, Butch Aggie, becomes alarmed by strange noises outside. Finally awakened by Butch Aggie’s growls and barks, Lily finds a lovely surprise waiting for her. “The language, pacing, tension, and sparks of excitement are absolutely at one with the artwork.”--The Horn Book Clarion Books
9780545651424 Nightsong Ari Berk
9780545697873 Nighttime Ninja Barbara DaCosta Late at night, when all is quiet and everyone is asleep, a ninja creeps silently through the house in search of treasure -- Publisher.
9780545880893 Ninja Red Riding Hood Corey Rosen Schwartz Little Red and her grandma may seem like easy targets, but the wolf in this story is in for a surprise.
9780545888783 Ninja Red Riding Hood Corey Rosen Schwartz In this twist on "Little Red Riding Hood," a certain wolf trains to be a ninja in order to catch his prey, but he is not the only one mastering a martial art.
9780064430111 No Roses for Harry! Gene Zion Harry the dog finds a graceful way to dispose of his new sweater with roses on it. Harpercollins Childrens Books
9781338283709 Not Quite Narwhal Jessie Sima Born deep in the ocean, Kelp is not like the other narwhals and one day, when he spies a creature on land that looks like him, he learns why.
9780805079173 Now & Ben Gene Barretta Describes many of the inventions of Ben Franklin, some of which are still being used today. Macmillan
9780440403272 Number the Stars Lois Lowry Yearling Book
9780590925693 Officer Buckle and Gloria Peggy Rathmann A collection of children's books on the subject of fire fighters, doctors, dentists, policemen and other community helpers.
9780590975438 Officer Buckle and Gloria Peggy Rathmann The children at Napville Elementary School always ignore Officer Buckle's safety tips, until a police dog named Gloria accompanies him when he gives his safety speeches.
9780394831299 Oh, the Things You Can Thinks! Back in 1957, Theodor Geisel responded to an article in Life magazine that lamented the use of boring reading primers in schools. Using the pseudonym of "Dr. Seuss" (Seuss was Geisel's middle name) and only two hundred twenty-three words, Geisel created a replacement for those dull primers: "The Cat in the Hat." The instant success of the book prompted Geisel and his wife to found Beginner Books, and Geisel wrote many popular books in this series, including "Hop on Pop, " "Fox in Socks, " and "Green Eggs and Ham." Other favorite titles in this series are "Go, Dog, Go!" and "Are You My Mother?" by P. D. Eastman, "A Fly Went By, " by Mike McClintock, and "Put Me in the Zoo, " by Robert Lopshire. These affordable hardcover books combine large print, easy vocabulary, and large, bright illustrations in stories kids will want to read again and again. Grades 1 - Grades 2. Random House Books for Young Readers
9780439325448 Olivia Whether at home getting ready for the day, enjoying the beach, or at bedtime, Olivia is a feisty pig who has too much energy for her own good.