Shari Scott's Library

Glenellen Elementary

ISBN Title Author Description Publisher
9780545054737 The Case of the Sneaky Snowman (Nancy Drew and the Clue Crew) Keene, Carolyn Scholastic
OS_643ED24A0B9AE600B59B5CD0 The Cat in the Hat Comes Back
9780590683579 The Cheerios Counting Book Barbara Barbieri McGrath, Rob Bolster, Frank Mazzola Text and illustrations of the familiar O-shaped cereal help the reader count to ten and add groups of ten. Cartwheel Books
OS_643EF6D30B9AE600B59B83AF the cloud book
The Crayons' Book Of Colors
The Emperors Egg
The Four Seasons For Little People
9781338541687 The Greatest Adventure Tony Piedra "Eliot's grandfather, El Capitan, has retired from the sea, and after listening to his grandfather's stories, Eliot is ready for an adventure--so they set out together to find one they can share."--.
9780590057226 The Grumpy Morning Pamela Duncan Edwards A cow's moo sets off a chain reaction which causes the other animals on the farm to speak out in their own way to let the farmer's wife know she is late to feed them.
9780547884806 The Handiest Things in the World Andrew Clements Celebrates in verse, accompanied by photographs, the many things hands can do.
05904623593 The Handmade Alphabet Laura Rankin
The Handmade Counting Book
9780439241731 The Hershey's Kisses Addition Book Jerry Pallotta Illustrations featuring Hershey's Kisses demonstrate the basic rules of addition. Cartwheel Books
9780439337793 The Hershey's Kisses Subtraction Book Jerry Pallotta Uses Hershey's Kisses to teach subtraction. Cartwheel Books
9780881064506 The Icky Bug Alphabet Book Jerry Pallotta Learn your ABCs in this “icky” exploration of all the creepy crawly insects from A to Z. Best-selling author Jerry Pallotta delivers a fun first concepts book that helps children discover why farmers like pray mantis, why fireflies light up the sky, or how water spiders breathe underwater. Pallotta’s signature witty yet scientific text paired with Masiello’s vivid and detailed illustrations make this alphabetic exploration one that will keep curious readers intrigued and engaged as they learn about the natural world of bugs. Charlesbridge
9780590047012 The Kissing Hand Audrey Penn When Chester the raccoon is reluctant to go back to school, his mother teaches him a secret way to carry her love with him.
The Letter X
9780448424057 The Little Engine that Could When the other engines refuse, the Little Blue Engine tries to pull a stranded train full of toys and good food over the mountains.
9780794540661 The Little Mermaid A little sea princess, longing to be human, trades her mermaid's tail for legs to win the love of a prince.
The Little Mouse The Red Ripe Strawberry And The Hungry Bear