Rosa Smith's Library

Woodlawn Elementary

ISBN Title Author Description Publisher
orcalftub7yd02fg51qpefoz3wvd Smart Trash! (Wall-E)
orcalftub7yd02fi51qp2bss9noh Smart Words: Flying Reptiles
orcalftub7yd02fk51qp4yxi7gmv Smart Words: Fossils
orcalftub7yd02fm51qp1hx5a4lm Smart Words: Meat Eaters
orcalftub7yd02fo51qpespp00ut Smart Words: Plant Eaters
orcalftub7yd02fq51qpbk9f5hvh Smary About the Presidents
9.78168E+12 Smithsonian Reader Level 3: Sharks! Brenda Scott Royce Learn to read with the Smithsonian! Developed in partnership with the Smithsonian and esteemed literary childhood literacy expert Dr. Adria Klein, Smithsonian Reader Level 3: Sharks! continues children’s journeys to become lifelong readers with engaging content and more challenging text. From great whites to leopard sharks, children will learn about sharks while building reading skills with the carefully designed leveling structure. After reading the 32-page high-quality introduction to nonfiction, children can take a quiz that reinforces reading comprehension. Also includes 28 stickers. Silver Dolphin Books
orcalftub7yd02fs51qpc72b9kdt Snail Brings the Mail
orcalftub7yd02fu51qp4mwsgodu Snakes: Long, Longer, Longest
orcalftub7yd02fw51qp69hq87m5 Sneetches
orcalftub7yd02fy51qp85ureq7k Sneezy the Snowman
orcalftub7yd02g051qpbcjk03sx Snoopy for President
orcalftub7yd02g251qp4ifh9h6u Snoopy Goes to School
orcalftub7yd02g451qp62z81317 Snoopy Look & Find
orcalftub7yd02g651qp49jx5lwh Snoopy's Birthday Party
orcalftub7yd02g851qp8v0q4yyd Snow
orcalftub7yd02ga51qp4rli7p8o Snow Day
orcalftub7yd02gc51qp8wg9hvzu Snow Day! A Winter Tale
orcalftub7yd02ge51qpe05vdz0p Snow Dog, Go Dog
orcalftub7yd02gg51qpgv5r2ten Snow Lion