Laura Gupton's Library

Montgomery Central Elementary

ISBN Title Author Description Publisher
OS_64347CC6BBC2D200B4837DA0 Young George Washington
9780439878906 Young George Washington Andrew Woods A simple biography of the man who was in charge of America's army during the Revolution and became the new nation's first president.
9780816725410 Young George Washington Andrew Woods A simple biography of the man who was in charge of America's army during the Revolution and became the new nation's first president. Troll Communications
9780816725458 Young Martin Luther King, Jr Joanne Mattern A simple biography of a great black leader emphasizing his dream of equal treatment for all Americans. Troll Communications
9780439878920 Young Pocahontas Anne Benjamin A simple biography of the seventeenth-century Indian princess who befriended Captain John Smith and the English settlers of Jamestown.
9780816725359 Young Pocahontas Anne Benjamin A simple biography of the seventeenth-century Indian princess who befriended Captain John Smith and the English settlers of Jamestown. Troll Communications Llc