Laura Gupton's Library

Montgomery Central Elementary

ISBN Title Author Description Publisher
9780062338037 Carolyn Cinami DeCristofano HarperCollins
9780064467179 Stuart J. Murphy Stuart J. Murphy travels all over the United States talking to thousands of kids. And you'll never believe what they talk about: MATH! Stuart shows kids that they use math every day -- to share a pizza, spend their allowance, and even sort socks. Stuart writes funny stories about math -- andif you read his books, you'll start to see the fun in math, too. HarperCollins
9780140565331 A five-year-old boy thinks his body is falling apart until he learns new teeth grow and hair and skin replace themselves. Puffin
9780152048587 David McPhail A big brown bear turns blue with paint when a little bear accidentally knocks over his ladder with her baseball bat. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
9780153066894 Anne W. Phillips, Harcourt School Publishers Staff
9780328130542 Pearson Scott Foresman
9780328131143 Pearson Scott Foresman
9780328131273 Pearson Scott Foresman
9780328131358 Pearson Scott Foresman
9780328131419 Pearson Scott Foresman
9780328133109 Vita Richman Pearson Scott Foresman
9780395941713 Kristin Avery After finding a crazy quilt, Tanya decides to make her own.
9780399186400 Jacky Davis Ladybug Girl and her friends help at a dog-adoption fair and discover that even the littlest things can make a big difference in this tenth hardcover in the New York Times bestselling Ladybug Girl series. Lulu is excited to meet all the rescue dogs when the pet-adoption fair comes to her local farmers' market. She wants to take all of them home--but she already has Bingo, and Mama says one dog is enough for their family. That doesn't mean Lulu can't help, though. It's time for Ladybug Girl and the Bug Squad--her friends Grasshopper Girl and Bumblebee Boy--to step in! The Bug Squad can do all kinds of little but important things, like brush the dogs, play with them, and bring them water and food. And then Lulu comes up with the perfect plan to help the dogs find their forever homes. Her idea is such a success that the Bug Squad knows they'll be back again next week. Together, they can help every dog get adopted. This beloved series is celebrated for its gentle, authentic, and imaginative exploration of kid-emotions and -truths. Penguin
9780439148801 Melvin Berger, Gilda Berger, Higgins Bond This question-and-answer book provides young readers with a factual and in-depth examination of tornadoes and hurricanes. Simultaneous. Scholastic Reference
9780439329644 Introduces subtraction through the activities of animal students at a school fair. Includes problems for the reader to solve.
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