Jeanette Shehy's Library

Rossview High

ISBN Title Author Description Publisher
9780764120855 Romeo And Juliet (Simply Shakespeare) Shakespeare, William This lyrical tragedy of two star-crossed lovers and their feuding families is one of the world's most famous love stories. Books in this new, illustrated series present complete texts of Shakespeare's plays. However, the lines are set up so students can see the bard's original poetic phrases printed side-by-side and line-by-line with a modern translation that followed, Shakespeare's plays were popular entertainment for London's theatergoers. His Globe Theatre was the equivalent of a Broadway theater in today's New York. The plays have endured, but over the course of 400+ years, the English language has changed in many ways--which is why today's students often find Shakespeare's idiom difficult to comprehend. Simply Shakespeare offers an excellent solution to their problem. Introducing each play is a general essay covering Shakespeare's life and times. At the beginning of each of the five acts in every play, a two-page spread describes what is about to take place. The story's background is explained, followed by brief descriptions of key people who will appear in the act, details students should watch for as the story unfolds, discussion of the play's historical context, how the play was staged in Shakespeare's day, and explanation of puns and plays on words that occur in characters' dialogues. Identifying icons preceding each of these study points are printed in a second color, then are located again as cross-references in the play's original text. For instance, where words spoken by a person in the play offer insights into his or another character's personality, the "Characters" icon will appear as a cross-reference in both the introductory spread and the play proper. Following each act, a closing spread presents questions and discussion points for use as teachers' aids. Guided by the inspiring format of this fine new series, both teachers and students will come to understand and appreciate the genius of Shakespeare as never before. Barrons Educational Series
9780789160874 Romeo And Juliet Parallel Text (Shakespeare Parallel Text Series, 3Rd Ed) Shakespeare, William Perfection Learning
9780440975342 Rumble Fish Hinton, S.E. “stylistically Superb. . . . This Packs A Punch That Will Leave Readers Of Any Age Reeling.”—school Library Journal, Starred“sharper In Focus And More Mature In Style Than Hinton’s The Outsiders.”—booklistan Ala Best Books For Young Adultsa School Library Journal best Books Of The Year Laurel Leaf
9780399160301 Salt To The Sea Sepetys, Ruta Winter, 1945. Four Teenagers. Four Secrets. Each One Born Of A Different Homeland; Each One Hunted, And Haunted, By Tragedy, Lies... And War. As Thousands Of Desperate Refugees Flock To The Coast In The Midst Of A Soviet Advance, Four Paths Converge, Vying For Passage Aboard The Wilhelm Gustloff, A Ship That Promises Safety And Freedom. Yet Not All Promises Can Be Kept. Ruta Sepetys. Includes Bibliographical References (pages 384-389). Philomel Books
9780446194044 Saving the World and Other Extreme Sports Patterson, James There's one last chance to save the world in the third book in the Maximum Ride series, SAVING THE WORLD AND OTHER EXTREME SPORTS. The time has arrived for Max and her winged "flock" to face their ultimate enemy and discover their original purpose: to defeat the takeover of "Re-evolution"—a sinister experiment to re-engineer a select population into a scientifically superior master race...and to terminate the rest. Max, Fang, Iggy, Nudge, Gasman, and Angel have always worked together to defeat the forces working against them—but can they save the world when they are torn apart, living in hiding and captivity, halfway across the globe from one another?KLIATTBuckle your seatbelts: the final book in this breathless SF adventure series about young people with wings has arrived. Max and her "flock," accompanied by a talking dog and pursued by vicious half-wolf Erasers and crazy scientists, are on the run again, trying to stop the destruction of half the world's population while the other half is turned into a scientifically engineered master race. Meanwhile, Max's relationship with Fang is turning romantic, and the voice in her head is back. It tells her that the scientists that created her and the other mutant kids are terminating their recombinant-DNA experiments, and trying to terminate their creations—and that there's a traitor in their midst. Will they ever find their parents and safety at last? Lots of action, with wisecracking commentary by Max, make this a swift and entertaining read, and fans of the series will gobble it up. Grand Central Publishing
School's Out Forever
Sea Of Monsters (DVD)
9780736699518 Secret Life Of Bees Sue Momk Kidd Book by Sue Momk Kidd Books On Tape
9780470041543 Shakespeare On The Double! Romeo And Juliet Shakespeare, William "For never was a story of more woe Than this of Juliet and her Romeo." Romeo and Juliet is the tragic story of "star-crossed lovers" from feuding families. Complete with a masquerade ball, a duel, a secret marriage, a sleeping potion, and pushy parents, the play packs a lot of action and emotion into five days of passion, romance, duplicity, and tragedy. Now you can end your Shakespearian woes with this modern translation and aids that make understanding the play quick and painless: A brief synopsis of the plot and action A comprehensive character list that describes the characteristics, motivations, and actions of each major player A visual character map that shows the relationships of major characters A cycle-of-death graphic that pinpoints the sequence of deaths and includes who dies, how they die, and why Reflective questions that help you understand the themes of the play With Shakespeare on the Double! Romeo and Juliet, you may just fall in love with the Bard. Cliffs Notes
Sherlock Gnomes
Shrek (DVD)
9780142407806 Sleeping Freshmen Never Lie Lubar, David Starting high school is never easy. Seniors take your lunch money. Girls you've known forever are suddenly beautiful and unattainable. And you can never get enough sleep. Could there be a worse time for Scott's mother to announce she's pregnant? Scott decides high school would be a lot less overwhelming if it came with a survival manual, so he begins to write down tips for his new sibling. Meanwhile, he's trying his best to capture the attention of Julia, the freshman goddess. In the process, Scott manages to become involved in nearly everything the school has to offer. So while he tries to find his place in the confusing world of high school, win Julia's heart, and keep his sanity, Scott will be recording all the details for his sibling's—and your—enjoyment.Rebecca Aicher - Alan ReviewScott Hudson's life is busy enough—avoiding lunch-money-stealing upperclassmen, finishing loads of homework on time, and impressing an old kindergarten pal turned hot; the last thing he has time to deal with is a baby. Unfortunately, there's not much he can do; his mother is expecting a child who will be fifteen years younger than Scott. How's a guy to deal? Scott takes the reader humorously through his freshman year of high school, recording his thoughts, fears, and wisdom in a journal he plans to give to his new sibling. Little does he know that in the process of trying to get by, he is learning what it means to be a friend, an honorable man, and a brother. Through an uplifting story, David Lubar shares a true teenager's perspective. The familiarity and honesty of the characters allows the narrative to unfold with startling realism. Sleeping Freshmen Never Lie is a recommended read for those searching for laughs and a genuine voice in young adult literature. 2005, Dutton Children's Books, 279 pp., Ages young adult. Speak
9780312674397 Speak Anderson, Laurie Halse 1999 National Book Award Finalistschool Library Journal Best Books Of The Yearbooklist Editors' Choicemelinda Is A Friendless Outcast At Merryweather High. She Busted An End-of-summer Party By Calling The Cops, And Now Nobody Will Talk To Her, Let Alone Listen To Her. As Time Passes, She Becomes Increasingly Isolated And Practically Stops Talking Altogether. It Is Through Her Work On An Art Project That She Is Finally Able To Face What Really Happened At That Terrible Party: She Was Raped By An Upperclassman, A Guy Who Still Attends Merryweather And Who Is Still A Threat To Her. It Will Take Another Violent Encounter With Him To Make Melinda Fight Back. This Time She Refuses To Be Silent. 1999 National Book Award Finalistschool Library Journal Best Books Of The Yearbooklist Editors' Choice Square Fish
Star Ward (DVD)
9780375991189 Still Star-Crossed Taub, Melinda Delacorte Press
9780141332598 Tales Of Ancient Egypt (Puffin Classics) Green, Roger Lancelyn This collection brings the world of Ancient Egypt to life with tales of journey and discovery. Among the many stories are the great myth of Amen-Ra, who formed all the creatures in the world; the entrancing tale of Isis, who searched the waters for her dead husband Osiris; and the miraculous story of the girl with the rose-red slippers, considered the first-ever Cinderella tale. Entertaining and enchanting, this is a timeless collection of the oldest stories in the world. Puffin Books
9780141325286 Tales Of The Greek Heroes (Puffin Classics) Green, Roger Lancelyn the Mysterious And Exciting Legends Of Gods And Heroes In Ancient Greece. Some Of The Oldest And Most Famous Stories In The World—the Adventures Of Perseus, The Labours Of Heracles, The Voyage Of Jason And The Argonauts—are Vividly Retold In This Single, Connected Narrative Of The Heroic Age, From The Coming Of The Immortals To The First Fall Of Troy. With Fresh Dialogue And A Brisk Pace, The Myths Of This Version Are Enthrallingly Vivid.children's Literaturefirst Published In England In 1958, This Retelling Of The Age Of Heroics In Greek Mythology Brings The Stories Of Ancient Greece To Contemporary Readers. According To The Introduction By Rick Riordan, Many Of Our Current Fictional Heroes Such As Luke Skywalker, Harry Potter, And Batman Are Based On The Heroes And Heroines Of Ancient Greece. At One Time, Villages In Greece Were Isolated And Each Created Their Own Stories To Explain The Mysteries Of Life And Death. As Travel Between Towns And The Countryside Evolved, The Characters And Settings Portrayed In This Book Became Universal. However, The Characters And Settings In This Version Are Too Numerous, Even Confusing, For Young Readers, Particularly Since No Time Line Is Included To Put It All Into Some Context. Stories Of Greek Mythology Were Once Common Place For Young People But This Edition, Without Some Adult Assistance, Seems Overwhelming In Detail. Occasional Black-and-white Illustrations Do Little To Foster Interest In The Minutiae Of The Text. Lists Of Gods And Goddesses, A Map Of The Argonauts' Travels, An Author Profile, And Items Of Interest About Greek Mythology Are Included. Reviewer: Meredith Kiger, Ph.d. Puffin Books
9780345493910 Terrorist: A Novel Updike, John Ahmad, Threatened By The Hedonistic Society Around Him, Gets Involved In A Plot, With Reverberations That Rouse The Department Of Homeland Security. John Updike. Originally Published: New York : Alfred A. Knopf, 2006. Random House Trade Paperbacks
9780316067959 The Angel Experiment: A Maximum Ride Novel (Book 1) Patterson, James in James Patterson's Blockbuster Series, Fourteen-year-old Maximum Ride, Better Known As Max, Knows What It's Like To Soar Above The World. She And All The Members Of The Flock—fang, Iggy, Nudge, Gasman And Angel—are Just Like Ordinary Kids—only They Have Wings And Can Fly. It May Seem Like A Dream Come True To Some, But Their Lives Can Morph Into A Living Nightmare At Any When Angel, The Youngest Member Of The Flock, Is Kidnapped And Taken Back To The School Where She And The Others Were Experimented On By A Crew Of Wack Jobs. Her Friends Brave A Journey To Blazing Hot Death Valley, Ca, To Save Angel, But Soon Enough, They Find Themselves In Yet Another Nightmare—this One Involving Fighting Off The Half-human, Half-wolf Erasers In New York City. Whether In The Treetops Of Central Park Or In The Bowels Of The Manhattan Subway System, Max And Her Adopted Family Take The Ride Of Their Lives. Along The Way Max Discovers From Her Old Friend And Father-figure Jeb—now Her Betrayed And Greatest Enemy—that Her Purpose Is Save The World—but Can She?publishers Weeklythe Angel Experiment James Patterson. Warner, $6.99 Isbn 0-446-61779-2. Thriller Writer Patterson Takes Characters That First Appeared In His Adult Novels When The Wind Blows And Its Sequel, The Lake House, And Places Them In A Story Pitched At Young Adults. Ages 12-up. (may) N Copyright 2006 Reed Business Information. jimmy patterson
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