Courtney Wright's Library

East Montgomery Elementary

ISBN Title Author Description Publisher
Shoo Fly Guy!
Shreek 2 The Potion Plan
Slimy Slugs And Grubby Bugs
Spring Is Here! A Story About Seeds
Spring Showers
Tales From Duckport Back To School? Cool!
Tara And Tiree, Fearless Friends A True Story
9780545470162 The Berenstain Bears Down on the Farm Stan Berenstain, Jan Berenstain The Berenstain Bears visit Farmer and Mrs. Ben's farm and learn about their life there.
The Princess And The Frog Big Friend Little Friend
OS_644001A774D51200B54A43D4 The Snowy Day
9780760805534 The World Around Us Peter Sloan, Sheryl Sloan Student Book
9780545104371 There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed Fly Guy Tedd Arnold After accidentally swallowing her grandson's pet fly, Grandma tries to retrieve it by consuming progressively larger animals.
orcalftub7yh02oa51qp7tuj8emg There's a Fly Guy in My Soup
Too, Too Hot
9780679982715 Twisters! Lucille Recht Penner Describes how tornadoes and hurricanes form and the damage they do. Random House Books for Young Readers
9780545346634 Ugly Animals Gilda Berger, Melvin Berger The New York Times started a new phenomenon: ugly is the new black. After publishing an article entitled "A Masterpiece of Nature? Yuck!" that chronicled several of the world's ugliest animals (sphynx cat, star-nosed mole, proboscis monkey, etc.), they were bombarded by loyal readers who sent in their own pictures of ugly animals. Each one trying to out-ugly the last. Little did they know that we were way ahead of them! With 101 Animal Secrets and 101 Freaky Animals, the Bergers have already brought to light some of the ugliest animals on the planet. Now they have concentrated their efforts to compile the definitive list of the ugliest animals ever! Scholastic Inc.
Walle Smash Trash
9780679810520 Wild, Wild Wolves Joyce Milton Introduces the natural history of wolves, examining their social structure, hunting tactics, growth, and development, and explores myths and legends about them. Random House Books for Young Readers
9780140505795 Wings James Marshall For use in schools and libraries only. Silly Minnie finds herself in all kinds of trouble when she accepts a balloon ride from a crafty fox, and it is up to her sensible friend Harriet to rescue her.
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