Carmen Claudio's Library

Spanish Immersion at Barksdale

ISBN Title Author Description Publisher
9780545670234 Maria Had a Little Llama Angela Dominguez In this bilingual version of the classic rhyme, Maria takes her llama to school one day.
9781338356939 María tenía Una Llamita Angela Dominguez En esta versión de la poesía clásica, ambientada en Perú, María toma su llama a la escuela un día.
9780590457774 Masquerader Lulu Delacre Against all odds, a resourceful Puerto Rican boy manages to get a costume together for Carnival.
9780328612451 Mateo Y Mati Rebecca C. Jones Like all good friends, Matthew and Tilly have an occasional tiff, but their friendship prevails despite their differences.
9781480729544 Max (Spanish Version) Sharon Callen Help children practice counting with this story about some kids who all live on different floors of an apartment building. Encourage beginning readers to develop a love of reading with this engaging fiction picture book that features grade-appropriate vocabulary and sentence structures and supports early childhood literacy. Ideal for storytime at home or in the classroom, this Spanish book includes vibrant illustrations that support the easy-to-read text. Teacher Created Materials
9781404830370 Max Va a La Escuela Adria F. Klein During his day at school, Max listens to and writes a story, plays on the playground, and eats lunch. Capstone Classroom
9781877506932 Me Gusta Pintar Pam Holden Los lectores aprenden acerca de diferentes colores. Red Rocket Readers
9781338358483 Me Gustan Las Estaciones Irena Martin
9781502173133 Medicinal-Taxa
9781480729551 Mi Abuelito Y Yo (Grandpa and Me) (Spanish Version) Sharon Callen Tag along with a young boy and his grandfather on a walk around town. Along the way, they'll pass by the book store, the park, and many other places in the community. Encourage beginning readers to develop a love of reading with this engaging fiction picture book that features grade-appropriate vocabulary and sentence structures to support early childhood literacy. Ideal for storytime at home or in the classroom, this Spanish book includes playful illustrations and large, easy-to-read text. Teacher Created Materials
9781338364422 Mi Burro Enfermo Esta canción cuenta la historia de un burro enfermo que trata con humor a mejorar.
9780778785835 Mi Cuerpo Sano (My Healthy Body) Bobbie Kalman Images of children getting exercise and eating healthful foods help show children what their bodies need to stay healthy. Simple text encourages children to make healthy decisions, including brushing after meals, washing hands regularly, and getting regular checkups at the dentist and the doctor. Crabtree Classics
9781891327766 Mi Dia Sindy McKay A boy describes his day from waking up and going to school to bedtime. Treasure Bay
9780590631372 Mi Mamá Francie Alexander A girl tells of her mother loves her, her brother, and their cat and how they all love mother in return. Words which will give readers practice using the letter "m" in are used in the story.
9788448004811 Mi Primer día De Colegio Violeta Denou ¡Soy Teo es una colección pensada para los niños que empiezan a leer. Los breves textos que acompañan las ilustraciones, así como el tipo de letra utilizada –mayúscula y caligráfica-, los ayudan a iniciarse en tan importante hábito. Las palabras seleccionadas y extraídas de las frases y los dibujos que las acompañan permiten al lector centrar su atención en ellas e incorporarlas en su vocabulario. Hoy es el primer día de colegio de Teo. ¿Quieres acompañarlo? Si lees este libro podrás descubrir cómo se lo ha pasado y todo lo que ha aprendido.Una colección pensada para los niños que empiezan a leer. Los breves textos que acompañan las ilustraciones, así como el tipo de letra utilizada -mayúscula y caligráfica-, los ayudan a iniciarse en tan importante hábito. Las palabras seleccionadas y extraídas de las frases y los dibujos que las acompañan permiten al lector centrar su atención en ellas e icorporarlas a su vocabulario.
9780545490849 Mirame Crecer Penelope Arlon SEE ME GROW is packed with animals growing up from baby to adult. Recognizable animals, such as puppies and elephants, are combined with more unusual babies, such as baby bees and strange shark eggs. Every animal group is covered, whether mammals or egg-layers, and unconventional life cycles such as tadpole to frog and caterpillar to butterfly are also featured. The simple text is perfect for beginning readers. The photographs are carefully linked to the text to construct that crucial picture/word link. MÍRAME CRECER es un libro que muestra cómo crecen los animales. El libro brinda información sobre cada grupo de animales. El texto simple es perfecto para los niños que recién comienzan a leer. Además, las fotografías fueron cuidadosamente escogidas para que reflejaran la información que aparece en el libro. Scholastic en Espanol
9781338358445 Mis Amigos Del Bosque Irvin Ajes
9780778785842 Mis Sentidos Me Ayudan Bobbie Kalman Young readers are introduced to the five senses: sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch. Each spread in this fun book features one sense. An activity asks children to guess which foods on the page would taste sweet, sour, salty, or spicy. Crabtree Classics
9780064451383 My Five Senses (Spanish Edition) Aliki La vista y el olfato, el gusto, el oído y el tacto -- nuestros sentidos nos enseñan a conocer el mundo que nos rodea. ¡Descubre cómo usas tus cinco sentidos! Rayo
9781635842623 Necesitamos Árboles Karen Hoenecke Raise children's awareness of the importance of trees to nature and our lives. This book points out the food we receive from trees and opens the door to learning about maple syrup, fruit, and lumber. GRL: C, RR/DLL: 3, DRA2: 3, Lexile: 290L, Stage: Emergent, Type: Nonfiction Kaeden Books