Brittnye Farley's Library

St Bethlehem Elementary

ISBN Title Author Description Publisher
9780439639880 Too Many Dogs Lori Haskins, Lori Haskins Houran A man's barbecue is interrupted when he is visited by a bevy of dogs from the neighborhood.
21484 Town Mouse Country Mouse
9780545518291 Turtle Splash! Cathryn Falwell
076645060419 Underwater
9780545282352 Water Changes Alex Ives How does water on a lake change? -- Back cover.
9780439064590 We Are Painting Francie Alexander Some children paint a big picture using many colors. Scholastic Incorporated
9780439676700 We Like Summer Wiley Blevins
9780439064675 We Like to Play! Ellen Tarlow
9780516278100 What Can I Be? Cari Meister, Matt Phillips A young girl wonders what she can be as she tries on different costumes from her dress-up box, and finds that being herself is the best choice. Childrens Press
9780545161541 What Do You See? Sara Shapiro "What do you see in different seasons?"--P. [4] of cover. Scholastic
9781567844856 What Does a Garden Need? Judy Nayer Newbridge Educational Publishing
9780545004923 What Time Is It, Mister Crocodile? Judy Sierra Mr. Crocodile's plans to catch and eat some pesky monkeys do not work out and he becomes friends with them instead.
9780439688970 Where Are They? Kiesha Humphrey
9780545565349 Where Do Birds Live? Betsey Chessen
9780544102828 Where Do Polar Bears Live? Sarah L. Thomson Learn about the life cycle of a polar bear.
9780439676724 Where Does Food Grow? Wiley Blevins An early reader of 17 words with pictures of fruits and a vegetable from trees, vines, and soil,and some of the ways we enjoy them as food.
9780545348096 Who Is Hiding? Violet Findley
9780545565424 Who Lives in the Artic? Scholastic
9780545669092 Why Do Animals Hibernate? David Martin Explains why some kinds of animals hibernate when the weather gets cold, and shows where different animals hibernate and how they prepare for winter.
9780545168274 Zebras Don't Brush Their Teeth! Lynette Evans "Zebras don't brush their teeth. But you do! What things must you do each day?"--P. [4] of cover.
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