Brianna Moore's Library

Rossview Elementary

ISBN Title Author Description Publisher
9780545850087 Trouble According to Humphrey Humphrey, the pet hamster of Longfellow School's Room 26, relates the ups and downs experienced by his human classmates as they begin a project to create a model town complete with houses and community services.
9780590988865 Tuck Everlasting Natalie Babbitt Is eternal life a blessing or a curse? It's 1880, and the members of the Tuck family (Ma, Pa, and their two sons) haven't aged since the day 80 years ago when they unknowingly drank from a magical spring.
9781338100167 Twintuition Double Vision Tia Mowry Scholastic
9780545175739 Tyrannosaurus Rex vs. Velociraptor Jerry Pallotta, Rob Bolster Contains facts about the tyrannosaurus rex and the velociraptor, comparing such aspects as their sizes, body types, and abilities-- Scholastic Incorporated
9780439800761 Valentine's Day From the Black Lagoon Mike Thaler Hubie learns about love while trying to decide to whom he should give a valentine.
9780439429351 Voyage to the Volcano Judith Bauer Stamper Ms. Frizzle plans another wild field trip to Hawaii, where Dorothy Ann and the rest of her students see an active volcano first hand. Scholastic Paperbacks
9780590674096 Walk Two Moons Sharon Creech After her mother leaves home suddenly, thirteen-year-old Sal and her grandparents take a car trip retracing her mother's route. Along the way, Sal recounts the story of her friend Phoebe, whose mother also left.
9780545315432 Wayside School Is Falling Down Louis Sachar More humorous episodes from the classroom on the thirtieth floor of Wayside School, where students learn to tango, face the cafeteria's dreaded Mushroom Surprise, and study a hobo during show and tell. Sequel to "Sideways Stories from Wayside School."
9780545640329 What Was the First Thanksgiving? Joan Holub
9780590412056 What's the Big Idea, Ben Franklin? Jean Fritz, Michael Hembree A brief biography of the eighteenth-century printer, inventor, and statesman who played an influential role in the early history of the United States. Sports Pub
9780545640374 Who Was John F. Kennedy? Yona Zeldis McDonough The man who saved the lives of his PT-109 crewmen during WWII and became the 35th president fought-and won-his first battle at the age of two-and-a-half, when he was stricken with scarlet fever. Although his presidency was cut short, our nation's youngest elected leader left an indelible mark on the American consciousness and now is profiled in our Who Was ...? series. Included are 100 black-and-white illustrations as well as a timeline that guides readers through this eventful period in history.
9780448439686 Who Was Johnny Appleseed? Joan Holub, Who HQ The perfect biography to "bite into" at the start of a new school year! Children are sure to be fascinated by the eccentric and legendary Johnny Appleseed, a man who is best known for bringing apple trees to the midwest. Over John Chapman’s lifetime, he saw the country grow and start to spread westward. Traveling alone— in bare feet and sporting a pot on his head!—Johnny left his own special mark planting orchards that helped nourish new communities. His journeys and adventures are illustrated in a hundred black-and-white illustrations. Penguin
9780545484145 Who Was King Tut? Roberta Edwards Explains the life and times of this ancient Egyptian ruler, covering the story of the tomb's discovery, as well as myths and stories of mummy curses.
9780545801126 Who Was Milton Hershey? James Buckley (Jr.) "Discover the man behind the chocolate bar! Milton Hershey's life was filled with invention and innovation. As a young man, he was not afraid to dream big and work hard. Eventually, he learned the secret to mass-producing milk chocolate and the recipe that gave it a longer, more stable shelf life. He founded a school for those who didn't have access to a good education and an entire town for his employees. Both his chocolate empire and his great personal legacy live on today."--Provided by publisher.
9780545640305 Who Was Roald Dahl True Kelly
9781561452293 Winners Take All (Allstar Sportstory) Fred Bowen When Kyle fakes a catch, his baseball team goes on to win the league championship but Kyle doesn't feel good about winning by cheating. Includes a section on the sportsmanship of Christy Mathewson, a pitcher who played professional baseball in the early 1900s.When Kyle fakes a catch, his baseball team goes on to win the championship but Kyle feels guilty about winning by cheating; includes a section on the sportsmanship of Christy Mathewson, a pitcher from the early 1900s. Peacehaven Pub
9780545638531 Winter According to Humphrey Betty G. Birney Humphrey the hamster and the students in Mrs. Brisbane's class get ready for the holidays and a special Winter Wonderland program.
9780545336772 Woods Runner Gary Paulsen From his 1776 Pennsylvania homestead, thirteen-year-old Samuel, who is a highly-skilled woodsman, sets out toward New York City to rescue his parents from the band of British soldiers and Indians who kidnapped them after slaughtering most of their community. Includes historical notes at the end of each chapter.
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