Rose Dennis' Library

Glenellen Elementary

ISBN Title Author Description Publisher
0328157007 Whose Garden Is It? Mary Ann Hoberman
059031808 Whose Mouse are you? Robert Kraus
9781735331416 Why My Hero Had to Go Talitha Vickers "Why My Hero Had to Go" is a children's picture book that brings to life the parallel experiences of a parent and a child separated by the call of duty. Journey through the pages as the curtain is pulled back to show the heartfelt voice of a parent leaving for deployment or as a front line worker. Children gain a better sense of understanding and responsibility as they tag along with the main character Jared who is on a special mission with pet Baily and his cuddly bear. With heartfelt poetic words "Why My Hero Had to Go" offers a different perspective for children to know that they are not alone. Creating a book that speaks to the voice of the untold stories was critical to author Talitha Vickers. Drawing from her own personal experience Vickers puts words to emotions that there are often no words for and that is what makes "Why My Hero Had to Go" resonate with all readers. The imagination of Illustrator Keith Hobgood opens the door to a world that a child would otherwise never see though each hand drawn page. The nontraditional layout of Hobgood's illustrations shows how much a child and parent have in common on a daily basis. This book serves as critical resource for all front line workers, military families, their neighbors, teachers and fellow students to have a first-hand look at a different perspective of families that have a unique dynamic.
9780395539637 Why the Sun and the Moon Live in the Sky Elphinstone Dayrell An African folktale tells how the sun and water once lived on earth as friends, but because the sun failed to build his house large enough, he and his wife, the moon, were driven into the sky when the water came to visit them. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
9781491405093 Wilma Rudolph Isabel Martin "Simple text and photographs present the life of Wilma Rudolph, the first American woman to win three Olympic gold medals"-- Capstone Classroom
9781338670639 Wish Chris Saunders When Rabbit has trouble deciding how to use his three wishes, he seeks help from his friends by asking what they would do if they had a wish.
0865930449 Wolves Lynn M. Stone
9780673613387 Wonderful Pelicans Kimberlee Mason Scott Foresman
1583568824 Wood and Paper
9780673613721 Wood for Sale Tekla White Scott Foresman
0763603309 You and me, Little Bear Martin Waddell
0817224149 Zebra Mary Hoffman
9780689835247 Zin! Zin! Zin! a Violin Lloyd Moss Moss's irresistible rhymes and Priceman's energetic color illustrations make beautiful music together. This picture book is a perfect introduction to musical instruments, musical groups, and counting. Full color. Aladdin Paperbacks
9780525476450 Zinnia's Flower Garden (Growing Your Own Flowers Story with Instructions for Children to Follow) Hardcover - First Edition, 1st Printing 2005 by Monica Wellington Dutton's Children's Books
0060234792 Zipping, Zapping, Zooming, Bats Ann Earle