Jeanette Shehy's Library

Rossview High

ISBN Title Author Description Publisher
9780451530653 The War Of The Worlds (Signet Classics) Wells, H. G. As Life On Mars Becomes Impossible, Martians And Their Terrifying Machines Invade The Earth. Signet
Twelfth Century Dictionary
9780316160179 Twilight Meyer, Stephenie When Seventeen-year-old Bella Leaves Phoenix To Live With Her Father In Forks, Washington, She Meets An Exquisitely Handsome Boy At School For Whom She Feels An Overwhelming Attraction And Who She Comes To Realize Is Not Wholly Human. First Sight -- Open Book -- Phenomenon -- Invitations -- Blood Type -- Scary Stories -- Nightmare -- Port Angeles -- Theory -- Interrogations -- Complications -- Balancing -- Confessions -- Mind Over Matter -- The Cullens -- Carlisle -- The Game -- The Hunt -- Goodbyes -- Impatience -- Phone Call -- Hide-and-seek -- The Angel -- An Impasse -- An Occasion. Stephenie Meyer. Megan Tingley Books. Little Brown
9781442419810 Uglies Westerfeld, Scott The Uglies series has more than 3 million books in print, has been translated into twenty-seven languages, and spent more than fifty weeks on the New York Times bestseller list. Now all four books feature fresh new covers and will reach an even wider audience. Tally’s adventures begin in Uglies, where she learns the truth about what life as a Pretty really means. She rebels against the surgery that will make her a Pretty, but ultimately succumbs. In Pretties, Tally has forgotten all about her Ugly life, and when she’s reminded, she has a hard time listening. And what little’s left of the old Tally is further compromised in Specials, because Tally has been transformed into a fierce fighting machine. But when she’s offered a chance to forever improve civilization, will she be able to overcome her brainwashing? The answer is evident years later in Extras, after the Pretty regime has ended. Boundless human creativity, new technologies, and old dangers have been unleashed upon the world. But fame and popularity can be just as dangerous as extreme beauty…. Simon Pulse
9780970077301 Wall Of Fame: One Teacher, One Class, And The Power To Save Schools And Transform Lives Freedman, Jonathan This Story Of Determination, Courage, And Hope Inspires A New Generation Of Teachers, Students, And Parents To Fight For Change From The Bottom Up. Jonathan B. Freedman. Avid Center
War Of The Worlds
9780064461955 When Plague Strikes: The Black Death, Smallpox, AIDS Giblin, James Cross Compassionate and arresting, this exploration of three major diseases that have changed the course of history—the bubonic plague, smallpox, and AIDS—chronicles their fearsome death toll, their lasting social, economic, and political implications, and how medical knowledge and treatments have advanced as a result of the crises they have occasioned. "A book that would serve well for reports, but it is also a fascinating read."—SLJ. Best Books of 1995 (SLJ) Notable Children's Trade Books in Social Studies 1996 (NCSS/CBC) 1995 Young Adult Editors' Choices (BL) 1995 Top of the List Non Fiction (BL) 1996 Best Books for Young Adults (ALA) Notable Children's Books of 1996 (ALA) HarperCollins
9780385494786 Wild A Journey From Lost To Found, Into The Wild, Into Thin Air 3 Books Collection Set Cheryl Strayed, Jon Krakauer national Bestseller a Bank Of Clouds Was Assembling On The Not-so-distant Horizon, But Journalist-mountaineer Jon Krakauer, Standing On The Summit Of Mt. Everest, Saw Nothing That Suggested That A Murderous Storm Was Bearing Down. He Was Wrong. The Storm, Which Claimed Five Lives And Left Countless More—including Krakauer's—in Guilt-ridden Disarray, Would Also Provide The Impetus For into Thin Air, Krakauer's Epic Account Of The May 1996 Writing into Thin Air, Krakauer May Have Hoped To Exorcise Some Of His Own Demons And Lay To Rest Some Of The Painful Questions That Still Surround The Event. He Takes Great Pains To Provide A Balanced Picture Of The People And Events He Witnessed And Gives Due Credit To The Tireless And Dedicated Sherpas. He Also Avoids Blasting Easy Targets Such As Sandy Pittman, The Wealthy Socialite Who Brought An Espresso Maker Along On The Expedition. Krakauer's Highly Personal Inquiry Into The Catastrophe Provides A Great Deal Of Insight Into What Went Wrong. But For Krakauer Himself, Further Interviews And Investigations Only Lead Him To The Conclusion That His Perceived Failures Were Directly Responsible For A Fellow Climber's Death. Clearly, Krakauer Remains Haunted By The Disaster, And Although He Relates A Number Of Incidents In Which He Acted Selflessly And Even Heroically, He Seems Unable To View Those Instances Objectively. In The End, Despite His Evenhanded And Even Generous Assessment Of Others' Actions, He Reserves A Full Measure Of Vitriol For Himself.this Updated Trade Paperback Edition Of into Thin Air Includes An Extensive New Postscript That Sheds Fascinating Light On The Acrimonious Debate That Flared Between Krakauer And Everest Guide Anatoli Boukreev In The Wake Of The Tragedy.  i Have No Doubt That Boukreev's Intentions Were Good On Summit Day, Writes Krakauer In The Postscript, Dated August 1999. What Disturbs Me, Though, Was Boukreev's Refusal To Acknowledge The Possibility That He Made Even A Single Poor Decision. Never Did He Indicate That Perhaps It Wasn't The Best Choice To Climb Without Gas Or Go Down Ahead Of His Clients. As Usual, Krakauer Supports His Points With Dogged Research And A Good Dose Of Humility. But Rather Than Continue The Heated Discourse That Has Raged Since into Thin Air's Denouncement Of Guide Boukreev, Krakauer's Tone Is Conciliatory; He Points Most Of His Criticism At G. Weston De Walt, Who Coauthored the Climb, Boukreev's Version Of Events. And In A Touching Conclusion, Krakauer Recounts His Last Conversation With The Late Boukreev, In Which The Two Weathered Climbers Agreed To Disagree About Certain Points. Krakauer Had Great Hopes To Patch Things Up With Boukreev, But The Russian Later Died In An Avalanche On Another Himalayan Peak, Annapurna 1999, Krakauer Received An Academy Award In Literature From The American Academy Of Arts And Letters—a Prestigious Prize Intended To Honor Writers Of Exceptional Accomplishment.  according To The Academy's Citation, Krakauer Combines The Tenacity And Courage Of The Finest Tradition Of Investigative Journalism With The Stylish Subtlety And Profound Insight Of The Born Writer.  his Account Of An Ascent Of Mount Everest Has Led To A General Reevaluation Of Climbing And Of The Commercialization Of What Was Once A Romantic, Solitary Sport; While His Account Of The Life And Death Of Christopher Mccandless, Who Died Of Starvation After Challenging The Alaskan Wilderness, Delves Even More Deeply And Disturbingly Into The Fascination Of Nature And The Devastating Effects Of Its Lure On A Young And Curious Mind. a Childhood Dream Of Someday Ascending Mount Everest, A Lifelong Love Of Climbing, And An Expense Account All Propelled Writer Jon Krakauer To The Top Of The Himalayas Last May. His Powerful, Cautionary Tale Of An Adventure Gone Horribly Wrong Is A Must-read. Atlantic Books/Pan
9780446562430 Witch & Wizard (Witch & Wizard, 1) Patterson, James, Charbonnet, Gabrielle jimmy patterson
9780761160915 Workman Publishing Everything You Need To Ace English Language Arts In One Big Fat Notebook (Big Fat Notebooks) Workman Publishing An Illustrated Notebook Of Definitions, Diagrams, Key Concepts, And Mnemonic Devices Geared To Help Middle School Students Learn About Reading, Writing And The English Language. Workman Publishing Company
9781603890137 Writing An A+ Research Paper: A Roadmap For Beginning And Experienced Writers Douglas Grudzina, Boris Kolba Turn Unfocused Writing into Well-Organized Research Papers! The sequence of a typical research project has not changed, but the way students perform research certainly has. Due to evolving media and access to the Internet, students do not always know the rules for finding reliable sources, using proper citation, taking notes, or writing with precision. Writing an A+ Research Paper helps to clarify these and all other research issues by having students actively help two fictional peers: Ella, whose work provides the models; and Rob, whose work students will analyze, critique, and help develop. Writing an A+ Research Paper also has a strong focus on helping students avoid plagiarism by teaching specific strategies, such as using primary sources and analyzing and evaluating information, rather than merely repeating what sources have said. The book, which is perfect for any grade, also: Introduces a definitive timeline and step-by-step instructions for choosing a topic, writing a thesis, gathering sources, creating an outline, turning in notes, composing a draft, and completing a final paper. Gives numerous examples of source citations in both MLA and APA format. Includes a supplemental CD with additional exercises for every step and contains over 200 pages of supplemental materials. If you're looking for a book that walks your students through the entire process of creating a research paper and gives them many examples of each step, you can't do better than Writing an A+ Research Paper. This is a student classroom edition. Teacher's editions are available from the publisher but are only sold to teachers and schools. Prestwick House, Inc.
9780312653026 You Don't Know Me Klass, David You think you know John? Well, let’s see . . . What bathroom fixture did his father have in mind at his birth? What amphibian plagues John in band? Does algebra have a use, besides torture? Who or what is Lashasa Palulu? Who is Glory Hallelujah? Who is Violent Hayes? What do they want from John? If friends are people who like you, does John have any? Why do fools fall in love? If school is a place for learning, where does John go every day? How can anyone who’s fighting a secret battle for his life know anyone, really? And how can they know him? Fourteen-year-old John creates alternative realities in his mind as he tries to deal with his mother's abusive boyfriend, his crush on a beautiful, but shallow classmate and other problems at school. Square Fish
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